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Harry Potter Version

Sherlock Holmes Version

Dracula Version

Product / Brand: SBOOKS


Target:  SBOOKS are targeted to the people between the ages of 16-35 years old. Specially, those who follow trends such as the Hipster Movement.  So if we look the target as a hole, we coud say that it consist on the Millenials. Inside this segment, SBOOKS is aimed into Up & Comers (18-25 years old with a higher education level), Mavens (27-35 years old who are quite well educated), Eclectics (prefers online shopping–Amazon is a favorite with 100% awareness for the brand) and Trendsetters (a younger version of the Mavens).


Benefit: You are not able to see either the name of the author or of the book. Which means you will decide to read a book by it’s content, not by it’s cover




Reason why:  As SBOOKS are  tightly closed, you will never get spoilered by their own covers and you will be surpised by the book behind the wrapper. Furthermore, as all of the books are carefully selected by Amazon, the fear of what you could actually be buying disappear (one common insight among the potential consumers).

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